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Back from New York

After a full month in the Big Apple, I can say I’ve learned a lot, had great experiences on what to do and what not to do and met wonderful musicians as well as old friends.

Special thanks to my friend Jason Lindner for his mentorship and insight, and to my friend Randjit Prassad for the hanging out and the help.

Next time there (December 2015/January 2016) I hope to continue on some projects started and to have a blast.

Back in Paris I’ll be doing some nice concerts, specially with the co-led group The 3 Moons and the Marc Buronfonsse led Sounds Trio.

Check it out here:

The 3 Moons – Le Jongleur 

Sounds Trio – Sketch #5

Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds Scholarship

I’m very glad to have recieved a scholarship for a freely shaped musical visit to New York in the US, to absorb the music, the creative energy and to take lessons from different great musicians focusing playing as well as composition. Looking forward to this creative trip, of a total duration of 3 months.

A big thanks to the Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds and in particular to the Jan en Tina Huizinga Fonds for giving me this opportunity.

